Translation Memory

Translation Memory, or TM, is a translation database that helps facilitate the translation process more efficiently
and more consistently. Translations are stored by language pair and on a segment-by-segment (sentence, paragraph or phrase-like) basis for future use. The matching process identifies new text, fuzzy matches, 100% matches and repetitions.
Integration with dictionaries, terminology management tools, and reference files provides linguists with a more efficient and effective translation experience.
The benefits of Translation Memory include consistency and accuracy within and across documents/projects,
quicker turnaround times, and cost savings with reuse of previously translated content or TM matches.
At Morningstar Global Translations, our preferred TM suite is MemoQ, which is also compatible with
legacy Trados, SDL, .tmx, and .tbx file formats.
Our translation memory technology also accomodates the list of file formats here.